(Written and composed by: Lisa Lois, Airto Edmundo and Hellen Visser)
So the rain is pouring down
On the streets where you roam
And the pavement’s made of sand
Where there used to be stone
Now you’re stuck in broken dreams
But your eyes are open wide
Still it’s hard for you to see
in the darkest of the night
But hold on
Time will ease the pain eventually
So hold on
Soon the day will come you’ll see
The wind will guide you through the storm
you will overcome
Let water float you back to shore
you will overcome
When the battle knocks you down
To the ground
You know you can lean on me as long as you need
so you can overcome
Even though the road is hard
it’s not a dead end street
Though it’s scary where you are
its not where you’ll always be
So hold on
Time will heal your wounds eventually
Hold on
to all your dearest memories
I wish that I
Could paint your sky
From grey to blue
That’s what I’d do
I would take the pain
Just to see you smile again
Make it all go away
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